There is one fundamental quality that is the core element of who we are…This means that each one of us have kept a kernel of perfection—our original nature—basically intact in our core essence, although it’s now covered by the Lower Self and layer upon layer of imperfections. So we have two missions. One is to sense what our basic light is, and the other is to realize how these three buzzkills of self-will, pride and fear collude to cover it up…

Они су основни блокатори нашег суштинског светла ... Морамо видети улогу коју свако од њих игра, а не да на један минут купимо идеју да се овај трио односи на „све осим на мои“ ...

Наш понос није битан ни упола онолико колико би наш превише самоважан мали его желео да верујемо.
Наш понос није важан ни упола онолико колико би наш превише важан мали его хтео да верујемо.

Self-will wants what it wants, when it wants it. It will strive to have its way, regardless of who or what it has to mow over to get it. It doesn’t even care if it brings hardship and imprisonment upon the self in the process…Self-will, then, is both blind and immature, and it works in opposition to spiritual law as much as in violation of human laws. And it really doesn’t care…

How then does our self-will connect with fear? Well, if we’re sheltering a truckload of self-will—often extra-powerful because it is lurking in our unconscious—we’re going to live in perpetual fear that we won’t get our way…The problem isn’t that this is true; the problem is our warped perspective that this is necessary…

Ухватили смо се за понос када наш его мисли да смо важнији од других људи, па зато желимо предности за себе ... Ако осећамо да је туђе понижење мање од нашег, имамо превише поноса. И ко од нас није некога другог бацио под аутобус да би спасио сопствену кожу? ... Морамо да се не схватамо тако озбиљно. Наш понос није важан ни упола колико би нас наш превише важан мали его натјерао да повјерујемо ... Тек кад будемо спремни равноправни с другима, ослободит ћемо се страха ...

It’s not hard to see then how self-will and fear go hand-in-hand. It’s equally simple to see how pride and self-will are birds of a feather…We’re super-quick to blame the faults and imperfections of others, making them responsible for our own inner disharmony. But maybe one day, we’ll realize there isn’t anyone else to blame…

For as long as we’re ensnared in self-will, pride and fear, we can never be happy. It’s not possible…In knowing this, we hold a treasure: we have the key to fixing all our problems.

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